The Professional Transformation Coaching Process Model™

In Association With

Dr Marlyn Morris of and co-founder of, developed the Transformation Coaching Process Model™
Coaching is a 21st Century empowerment discipline that is growing tremendously as people seek to live an amazing stress-free life and develop their full potential.
This process model is targeted at individuals who have a passion for helping people thrive and prosper, realize their dreams and develop resiliency.
At the Ontario College for Development training (OCDT) we will train and certify participants in any of the suite of Coaching Niches outlined herein, as a Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner™ or a Certified Transformation Master (CTMC)™ to allow the Trainees to open their own business to help these target groups of coachees thrive and prosper. Training will deliver the toolkit and strategies for Trainees to practice. The Critical Success Factor is based on the ability to assist clients by incorporating the transformation coaching framework process defined by these Key Questions of Enquiry and Discovery: Who, What, Why, How and When?
Stages in the transformation coaching process model™

The focus of the Coaching enquiry and Discovery steps will allow the coach to assist the coachee to discover answers to the following questions:
- Who- Who am I?
- What- What are my desires, dreams, wishes, wants and needs?
- Why- Why am I having difficulties achieving my desires, dreams, wishes, wants and needs?
- How- How can I achieve my desires, dreams, wishes, wants and needs?
- When- When should I start on this mission to achieve my desires, dreams, wishes, wants and needs?
While the coaching process guides the client to delve within, through guided questioning by the coach, it is important that the process go further. We recognise that it is not enough to coach individual to discover their innate greatness, passion purpose relating to their innate talent and skills but it is important that the process provides relevant reinforcement training to further empower the client to develop and sustain his/her roadmap for success through life/soft skills training that can engage clients to become mentally prepared for implementing his/her road map for success and prosperity.
Learning and becoming who we were meant to be is a lifelong process of transformation that takes place as we grow into new knowledge of who we are through self-discovery and the lived experiences. The guided transformation coaching process is designed to help you attain higher levels of consciousness and being that allows you to live authentically.
Transformation coaching provides individuals with the ability to change the present circumstance of living, from one of accepting the current mindset of comfortable existence, to one of abundance, growth, renewal, restoration and rejuvenation. It is a paradigm that encourages the individual to see adversities, pain and suffering as the ingredients to advance in spiritual growth and change, toward a higher plane of existence, as individuals are encouraged to delve deep within the mind and soul to find the coping skills that build resiliency and strength and authenticity, beyond the current mindset of lack and fear.
Transformation Coaching provides the individual with the tools and strategies to understand the current realities that hinder progress, so they are able to navigate and remove current obstacles in the pathway of a sustainable lifestyle of peace, harmony and progress and desirable outcome.
Coach Trainers using this model are expected to assist clients into understanding that the journey of life is a pathway to life-long learning in which each stage of development should lead to personal mindset growth, conscious awareness, spirituality and peace. Each stage of the journey is expected to be an improvement on the past, transforming the individual toward a higher stage of living with purpose and passion.
This Transformation Coaching Process Model recognises the collaboration between the coachee’s Inner GPS and Coach’ Outer GPS. The Coach is seen as the outer GPS i.e the Coach as representing the outer Guiding Process System™, that will guide the transformation process, while the coachee/Trainee must be able to connect to his/her Inner GPS, i.e. his/her innate Gifts, Passion and Skills ™ that will allow him/her to develop success and sustainable growth mindset to live a life of abundance.

To be a credible and expert Transformation Coach, one must commit to self-development, personal life mastery and the physical manifestation of the strength of your brand. This characteristic will set you apart as an authentic expert. Similarly, your credibility as a transformation coach requires you to demonstrate your expertise from a position of authority and a role model. How can you be a true coach if you are not living a life of success based on your own transformation and authentic referencing system that demonstrates your personal mastery?
Mastery of your personal life will demonstrate that understand who you are, your passion and what makes you authentic. You must discover who you are through the conduct of your own personal SWOT Analysis, that will serve to guide the discovery of your innate talents, passion and life purpose that will guide the fulfilment of your life purpose by your own deliberate or intentional design for self-transformation.
You cannot claim to be helping your client to live abundantly through transformation changes unless you have undergone your own personal transformation to establish your own authenticity. This will allow you to speak and guide your client with authority, get them to trust you and your guidance and commit to your transformation coaching strategy.
Objectives are to create the opportunity for Trainee Coaches: –
- to develop a critical consciousness and self-awareness,
- to develop action plans or strategies to improve socio-economic conditions and social wellbeing,
- to discover/identify, explore and map relevant resources that will facilitate the development of talents, passion and skills for change, in coping with existing issues and challenges that prevent progress,
- to allow for or self-discovery, self-transformation, self-efficacy, and self-determination.
Your Self-transformation will be achieved through the following self-discovery coaching training process modules:
- Self-Discovery-Who Are You?
- Are you who others say you are or Are you who You Perceive to be?
- Conduct of your own personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.
- Developing Personal Mastery
- Understanding and navigating your mindscapes and the battle between the conscious and the unconscious minds.
- Developing a positive mindset
- Developing a growth mindset
- Self-Transformation through:
- Self Determination,
- Self-Actualization
- The practice of Self-love and self-care
- Understanding the role of Mindfulness in Coaching
- Understanding the Impact of Stereotypes, Prejudices and Biases on the personal mindset.
As a Transformation Coach you will ensure that your coachees are exposed to these same self-discovery and self -transformation strategies as the Transformation Coach Trainer himself.
How does the Transformation Train-the-Trainer Coach Helps the Trainee Coach?
First, The Trainer Coach will help the trainee coaches through strategic group empowerment coaching discovery training in which he will use the relevant GPS of guiding questions and principles to focus the trainee coaches, responses to self-discovery, training and awareness building and practice training to enable the paradigm shift and ultimately transformation, as will be demonstrated by new mindset for self-determination and self-transformation practices.
The Coach Trainer will encourage the trainee coach to discover and use his inner GPS to guide his self-discovery and Self-transformation through the following self-discovery coaching training modules:
- Self-Discovery-Who Are You?
- Are you who others say you are or Are you who You Perceive to be?
- Conduct of your own personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.
- Developing Personal Mastery
- Understanding and navigating your mindscapes and the battle between the conscious and the unconscious minds.
- Developing a positive mindset
- Developing a growth mindset
- Self-Transformation through:
- Self-Transformation through:
- Self Determination,
- Self-Actualization
- The practice of Self-love and self-care
- Understanding the role of Mindfulness in Coaching
- Understanding the Impact of Stereotypes, Prejudices and Biases on the personal mindset.
In this second step, the focus of the process will be on helping the coachee to use the self-discovery learning outcomes to inform his visioning, goal setting and self-improvement planning strategies process form. Coaches will focus on the development of his life and career plans and the strategies he must employ to realize his plans. These strategies could include education and training to develop and improves skills to be monetized or emotional intelligent social and emotional learning skill, positive attitudes and the acquisition of growth and success-focused mindset.
Transformation Coaching- Step 3-Training
Transformation Coaching- Step 4-Practice
Transformation Coaching- Step 5-Transformation
The Transformation Coach Trainer will help and guide trainee coaches to:
- Clarify the following critical conceptual considerations:
- Understand What is Coaching
- The Difference between Coaching and Therapy
- Types of Coaching
- The Benefits of Coaching
- What is Psychology behind transformation coaching
- Develop an awareness and practice of being and living in the present moment of conscious reality, in which the Trainee coach is encouraged to make informed decisions as to what actions and responses he needs take for his/her social and emotional wellbeing and sustainable economic livelihood.
- Consider the present moment’ decision-making action from the position of the client’s mindfulness, critical thinking and considered responsiveness in the present moment.
- Identify, navigate and solve issues, concerns, and challenges that threaten, compromise and limit positive mindset development and growth responses from the client that are important for prosperity and sustainable living.
- Delve deep within the authentic self with self -assessment tools to enable the client to navigate mental blockages to living with purpose, developing the capacity to overcome adversities with newfound coping skills.
- Delve deep within the authentic self with self-assessment tools to enable the trainee coach to discover, his/her innate skills and talents and to set his/her goals and plans for developing his/her own personal mastery through career training enhancement in order to hone those skills and talents for personal economic and social development for sustainable living. focused on your future aspirations and take on practices that exercise,
- Develop and Practice new skills and talents for transformational change, while becoming aware that life is a journey and learning is a lifelong process for as long as the journey continues. As such the Trainees coach is encouraged to embrace the transformation of self, with new practice experiences in this journey, which invariably will cause a conscious shifting of the mindset from one of lack to one of abundance and growth. This process will allow the trainee coach to understand his role in living his life on purpose and the importance of new growth and change, as he steps out of the existing comfort zone, to seek new conscious awakening that will inspire growth and mindset change. To advance within the spiritual realm of his/her authentic self in pursuit of the new self, the trainee coach will need further coaching to inspire, motivate and assist in his/her transformation.
These same coaching strategies will be used by the trainee coach in his/her coaching practice.
Current Transformation Coach Training Program Offered
We offer the following Train-the-Trainer Transformation Coach Practitioner Training Programs