Strategic alliance partners and supporter

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Dr Marlyn Morris
Empowered to
A strategic, innovative and visionary leader, with strong organization and strategic relationship building skills; transformational change-agent with political acuity and robust record of success within the Strategic Policy, Planning and Stakeholder Relationship Management in the Public, Private and Not-For-Profit Sectors.
Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner™ (CTCP) Training Program
We offer the following Train-the-Trainer Transformation Coach Practitioner Training Programs

Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner™ (CTCP) Training Program
Target Group;
- Persons completing secondary schools; college, university graduates other professionals who have a passion for helping people thrive and prosper.
- Persons over 19 years old.

Certified Transformation Master Coach ™ (CTMC) Training Program
Target Group;
- Persons completing secondary schools; college, university graduates other professionals who have a passion for helping people thrive and prosper.
- persons over 19 years old
- Persons who have completed the Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner training with us.
Featured Video
Why Transformation Coaching is Important.
Get inspired as Dr Marlyn Morris speaks at an event and explains how to develop an unshakable belief in your abilities to get closer to your dreams.

Coming Soon...
What my Students Say about me
Dr. Morris is an exceptional lecturer with a captivating and motherly personality. The definition of academia embodied within and a gift for teaching. She resonates patience, grace, understanding and has excellent communication skills with each and everyone of her students. Moreover, she demonstrates impeccable guidance towards her students in achieving their success.
Majesty Fernandes
M.Sc. Student
My name is Dhanraj Arjoon, a current student of University of Guyana pursuing a Master's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning. Dr. Marlyn Morris is currently lecturing me on one of the four courses in the current semester and she had previously been my facilitator on two courses in the first semester of last year.
It is a great privilege for me to say that Dr. Morris has been more than just a lecturer to me for the time I have spent with her. An understanding, caring and professional person not only in the field of teaching but also in providing personal advice and life lessons. As it relates to lecturing/teaching, Dr. Morris is that type of individual who always puts her students first and always exercises positive attitudes and diligent traits. For the same reasons, I am delighted to say that Dr. Morris has been an excellent lecturer with an exemplary personality.
Dhanraj Arjoon
"Dr Morris has been an exemplary lecturer for the two courses I had with her. She displayed skills in communication, listening, empathy and patience towards all her students. Also, her classes stood out as she encourages a free space for expression of critical opinions on issues and solutions in relation to urban and regional planning in Guyana."
Dahlia Durga
Dr. Morris, your lectures are entertaining and pleasant, but most importantly, they are always edifying. I particularly admire how you communicate your expertise using a conversational manner. In the academic setting, you are always kind and patient, and you pay close attention to detail. You have a plethora of knowledge to give, and I appreciate how you constantly utilise your knowledge of Guyana to make your point. You have a vibrant personality and a fantastic sense of humour. I can tell you like working as an educator.
One of the qualities I respect the most in you is your concern and compassion for every one of us. I am glad to have been taught by you, and I am confident that the principles you taught me will assist me in making a difference in the world of planning. Thank you so much, Dr. Morris!
Yosha Victor
Good evening Dr Morris, I present my compliments and refer to the subject at caption. It was an absolute pleasure to write these few lines about your leadership.I am a student reading for a Master's degree in Urban and regional planning. Dr Morris has been lecturing on most of my core courses. As a student, I find it very refreshing to experience the lectures of Dr Marlyn Morris. I am always left wanting more. Her leadership principles and supreme guidance is second to none. She inspires, she teaches and opens up a path for individual and collective success. I would consider Dr Morris a guidance counsellor and a life coach as much as an educator. She is dedicated and committed to not only ensuring her students understand her teachings, but also that they know of the tools they can use to continue with their various pursuits. Essentially, she is a woman of substance with a zeal rarely matched by others. True Gem of the earth.
Sheldon Howell
As a first year Master student nothing could have prepared me for the challenges ahead until my first class with Dr. Morris. I remember the afternoon vividly, from my orange jersey to Dr. Morris vibrant smile, that afternoon I felt as if I could have concord any aspect of this programme after our conversation and today, I am proud to say that is just what I did. Personally I believe through Dr. Morris class session I realized my potential as a leader, she challenged me and allowed me to realize my potential.
I would not categories the woman in question as just a lecturer since she goes beyond what any lecturer would do. She is compassionate and shows concern for every student. In writing this statement I could say Dr. Morris is professional, diligent and hardworking but I believe anyone that comes into contact with her knows this but from a student’s perspective the quality of compassion and concern is vital given the current social issue we all manage. I am honored to have been taught by such a remarkable woman and confident that the principles she has instilled in me will allow me to concur any academic or social issue I may encounter.
Dr. Morris, I was nervous, scared and completely overwhelmed leaving the orientation meeting to enter your first class, and I kid you not, the minute I laid eyes on your smiling form the inhibitions vanished immediately. I felt at ease and as the weeks progressed I was always eager to attend class, knowing you would ask me to participate against my will, I couldn’t stay away.
Dr. Morris you impart knowledge and encourage your student to critically analyze every situation or scenario presented to them. Knowledge gained is never left in the box of the specific topic area, but connections are made across all disciplines because as you frequently say, everything is connected, our task is finding the link. You do not mince words, but speak about the harsh realities we as planners are expected to face, and also encourages us to do the same, to be just in every situation and advocated for those who can’t for themselves. As future planners entering the world, you haven’t sugarcoated the realities of the planning profession, but instilled within us values that will transcend this programme.
Dr. Morris, you know each of us individually and can easily pinpoint if something is amiss. You act as our motivational speaker, reminding us of our capabilities at every opportunity. You have reminded me that I can and have empowered me to be the change I wish to see. I am better because I would have met you and I would like to thank you for seeing me, engaging me and pushing me to realize my true potential.
Tenisha Jordan
Strategic alliance partners and supporter